Level Switch
Switch float;To be monted on the tank. (3/8 thread , connection +/- 2m to the interface)
- Strong metalic body
- Gasoline and oil resistant (works also with low density liquid).
- Standard metal connextion to container
- Hall sensor switch. (no glas (reed) switch)
- No contact with liquid and electronic (metal separator).
- liquid minimum density = 0.6 (Fonctionne avec liquide à densité = > 0.6)
Connection interface;
The float switch will be connected to the small interface box that contain two relais.
- Water resistant PVC small interface case 100x65x38mm (3.9x2.5x1.5inch) IP68.
- With 2 x 10 Amp insulated relais output. 24Vdc (12 on demand).
See also;
level.html Ultrasonic level measure.
hallenco.html Level encoder.
optosens.html Optical level switch.
Level switch and pomp switch. / Pump switch / declencheur de pompes 220VAC.